Forever Clear

BBL Forever clear is a non-invasive acne treatment by sciton.
It’s a laser-based procedure which treats acne before they breakout thus preventing the need for medicines and creams. It is a pain free, effective treatment and has minimum downtime.
Dr Monisha Kapoor through her expertise creates a customized treatment plan to help the patient achieve clearer and healthier skin.

  • How does BBL Forever Clear Works?
  • What are the benefits of BBL Forever Clear?

How does BBL Forever Clear Works?


The procedure utilizes blue, yellow and infrared light energy to clear acne. It is the most powerful form of intense pulse light (IPL) and works by targeting the sebaceous glands of the skin and the bacteria causing the acne. It also is designed to regenerate the skin.

What are the benefits of BBL Forever Clear?


BBL forever clear is a great treatment for teens and adults living with active acne. Treatment can be performed on face, neck and back. The benefits of the treatment include:

  • Resolution of active acne
  • More tonicity of skin
  • Less noticeable pores
  • Reduction of future acne outbreaks